Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Logical Mathematical Intelligence hone Children From Early Childhood

by Rohmitawati, S.Si, Staf Sie , Data and Information Mathematics PPPPTK Yogyakarta

Surely every child is born intelligent by bringing the potential and uniqueness of each one that allows them to be smart. Howard Gardner in his book Multiple Intelligences, said there are eight intelligences in humans are: linguistic / verbal / linguistic, logical mathematical intelligence, visual intelligence / space / spatial, musical intelligence / rhythmic, bodily kinesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and intelligence naturalist. The task of parents and educators is to maintain the properties on which the intelligence of children to survive to grow up, by providing stimulating factor and a good environment to stimulate and optimize brain function and intelligence of children.
Basically, each child was awarded a logical mathematical intelligence. Gardner defines intelligence as the ability of mathematical logical scientific reasoning, mathematical calculations, logical thinking, reasoning inductive / deductive, and the sharpness of abstract patterns and relationships. Can be interpreted also as the ability to solve problems related to the needs of mathematics as a solution. Children with these capabilities will be pleased with the formulas and abstract patterns. Not only in numbers of mathematics, but also increased the activities that are analytical and conceptual. According to Gardner there is a link between mathematical and linguistic intelligence. In math skills, children analyze or describe the reason logically, and the ability to construct solutions of the problems that arise. Linguistic intelligence is needed to merunutkan and turning it in the form of language.

Still according to Gardner, logical mathematical characteristics of smart kids at the age of five, children love to explore to satisfy their curiosity as explore every corner, observing objects that are unique to him, my hobbies and fiddling with objects and perform testing. Like what if my feet into a bucket filled with water or a curious puzzle. They are also often asked about various phenomena and demanding logical explanations of each question asked. In addition, children also like to classify various objects based on color, size, type and others, and fond of math.Stimulation of daily activities around usHow can we stimulate logical mathematical intelligence of children from an early age? How do we instill the concept of mathematical logic early on? We can introduce the first time understanding math concepts at an early age from our surroundings and daily experiences of children and to provide stimulation that support. Of course this is done without coercion and pressure, and through the games. In the education of children, irreplaceable role of parents and the home is the main base child education. Many games of exploration that can sharpen the ability of a child mathematical logic, but of course this should be adjusted to the age of the child. When toddlers play sand, the child was actually a train hand muscles turn on fine motor so that the child will be able to hold a pencil, drawing and others. With sand play children learn to estimate with actual or measure that would pour it all there is in mathematics.
When we introduce the number of children not only as a symbol, for example we have two oranges, provide two oranges. So that children understand the concept of numbers and number. Songs can also be a medium to introduce the various themes of the numbers. Like the song balonku there are five. Or we can be creative to create a simple song himself while demonstrating our fingers as a tool to calculate, so the child gradually easily capture the abstract concept of number.
Once children know the numbers 1 to 10, then it could be introduced the number zero. Provide an understanding of the concept of zero in early childhood is not easy. This game can be done by calculating a magnet taped to the refrigerator. Try to take one by one and ask your child to count the remaining. Do it repeatedly so that the magnet on the refrigerator no longer attached. While it can be exposed that are seen in the refrigerator is 0 (zero) magnet.
While in the kitchen, we can introduce the concept of classification and grouping associated with the concept of mathematical logic, for example, by the way children are asked classifying vegetables by color. Sharpen math skills in the operation of simple numbers, such as eating three apples a fruit then the remaining number. It could also create other forms of geometry through the pieces of vegetables. Every now and also do activities to make a cake together, other than to add intimacy and warmth of family, children also can learn mathematics through weighing, measuring, counting time. Cooking recipes are also looking to train the skills of reading and learning vocabulary. Do not worry state of the kitchen that will be dirty and messy with flour and items scattered, because as the slogan of an ad that dared to dirty it is good. Children love and unknowingly they have learned many things. When we were taught over the kitchen table sharing by asking the child, for example, that we might miss out sekelurga all, we cut this pudding so how ya? Then when the pudding is cut into pieces, pick a section and ask how bagiankah it? This is related to the concept of fractions.
We can also provide understanding of mathematical concepts such as quantity, such as how many ornamental fish in the aquarium. While relaxing in front of the house, children are invited to calculate how much of a passing motorcycle in 10 minutes. Also introduce the concept of comparison as larger, smaller, and so on, for example by asking the child with bread bread cake donut which size is larger. When we introduce and ask the child that the car is moving faster than the motor, higher than the coconut trees cashew trees, or bags heavier than purse elder brother, in fact this has included teaching children the concept of velocity, length and weight, so that the intelligence function math becomes active.
For activities outside the home, when we invite children to shop, he was involved in the transaction so that the train operation skills such as addition and subtraction. It could also store game-tokoan or market-the market with his friends. We also can give children educational toys like blocks, artificial geometric shapes with associated with objects around them There are other forms of geometry such as triangles, rectangles, circles, rectangles and others. The introduction of geometric shapes are good, will make children better understand their environment well. When viewing a car wheels for example, the child will know if the shape of a circle, rectangle shaped table, a triangular roof and so forth. We also can offer these games in an educational computer that is able to stimulate children's intelligence.
Traditional games can stimulate and improve the logical mathematical intelligence such child or dakon congklak game as a learning tool is also useful to train math and fine motor manipulation skills especially finger strength training is later useful for the preparation of writing. During play children are required to follow the flow permainanyang focus in turn will train the children of concentration and perseverance needed when children attend school lessons.Smarter by playing
Why a lot of stimulation to the intelligence of children through games and play a fun activity? Because the play will make the child to express ideas and feelings and make children become more creative. With the play will also train cognition or learning ability of children based on what he experienced and observed the surroundings. When playing a challenging game, children have the opportunity to solve problems (problem solving). For example set lego or play pasel. Children faced with the problem, but not the actual problem, but a game that should be done son. Exciting problem which makes the child unconsciously trained to solve a problem. This will strengthen the ability of children out of trouble. For example, while it is tied shoes, kids will try to use all his ability to complete thoroughly. And it also will train at the school when the child later received lessons on mathematical problem solving (problem solving).
For preschool age, when parents have started to stimulate logical mathematical intelligence at home, it will be easier for children to receive math concepts when starting school. For children who have entered the school, parents should also continue to support by providing a variety of exploration or the games are increasingly honing a logical mathematical intelligence of children with creative and fun ways to continue to attract the curiosity of children. Thus the children will love learning math because math is all around them and it turns out they know the purpose of studying mathematics. Of course this must be supported by the pattern of mathematics teaching in schools a fun, creative, contextual, realistic, emphasizing the process and student understanding and problem solving (problem solving), creative in introducing and teaching math concepts as well as with various games and props interesting so that mathematics would be a fun lesson and eagerly awaited. In a book entitled "Becoming Teacher Ability and Can Teach" is mentioned is the Most Effective Learning When It's Fun.

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